Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Obama Administration keeps an unlimited supply of red tape at its disposal. This time officials are intent upon obstructing American energy innovations. Despite the fact that fossil fuel production is lagging, just yesterday a White House aide hinted at new regulations on hydraulic fracturing (also known as fracking), by the Department of Interior expected at the end of the year. Using water contamination as the rationale, the liberal agenda will be advanced through efforts to keep new energy production off of federal lands.  Do not be fooled though, this initiative is less about the health of Americans and more about government control.

In fact, there has been absolutely no proof that the practice of fracking contaminates water supply, contrary to extreme environmentalists’ claims. The Director of the EPA, Lisa Jackson has even admitted there is no evidence of harm.

The harm does come to Americans however when the national average of gasoline looms at $3.38 a gallon and unemployment is a daunting 8.2%, excluding those who have given up their job search. It makes no sense that an Administration that is so mindful of its citizens would sit idly by as they are being robbed at the pump or living off the government; this is counterproductive. If the Obama White House truly cared about the well-being of Americans it would advocate in favor of energy independence and job creation. Both of which I might add, would stimulate the economy naturally.

The influence the Federal government has on this issue is huge. Currently about 30% of fracking wells exist on federal land. The fact that Democrat-controlled state legislatures may follow suit by imposing similar regulations on state wells is even more unsettling.

According to a blog post from The Hill, “Administration officials say they strongly back expanded gas production but want to ensure fracking is conducted with proper safeguards.” The key word in that statement is safeguards. Apparently the way it stands now from a federal government standpoint, Americans need to be saved – from everything. From the food we eat to the type of healthcare we have, government will use the pretext of safety as an excuse to impede upon states’ rights and individual liberty. Industry also takes a severe blow from excessive regulation.

Recognizing this, Texas Representative Louie Gohmert has taken initiative by drafting the FRESH Act, H.R. 4322. The bill would give states sole authority over the entire process of fracking from issuing permits to pinpointing well locations – even if it happens to be on federal land. Currently the bill has 27 cosponsors.

America’s reliance on foreign energy providers threatens our sovereignty. It is through new energy mechanisms such as hydraulic fracturing that jobs are created and citizens are left with peace of mind. The legislation put forth by Gohmert is a step in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting and informative post. Best wishes with blogging!
